Diablo 3 lon barbarian build
Diablo 3 lon barbarian build

diablo 3 lon barbarian build diablo 3 lon barbarian build

Cubing it allows us to use two 1-Handed Weapons for more Attack Speed and Critical Hit Damage.

  • The Gavel of Judgment for its huge separate damage multiplier and its Fury generation effect.
  • Let's get into the current variation of this build and its rotation based playstyle!

    diablo 3 lon barbarian build

    This is further enhanced by the benefits from Ground Stomp Wrenching Smash pixelpulling and the innate HotA high Critical Hit Chance (see Mechanics) in combination with the crazy Attack Speed granted by Bracers of the First Men, allowing for great burst damage. This is an Area Damage (AD) build, since Hammer of the Ancients can proc it. Hence Legacy of Dreams is the setup of choice as it wins both in terms of damage output and toughness. Nowadays, Hammer of the Ancients is one of the few Barbarian skills making use of the Legacy of Dreams setup as the Immortal King's Call set 4,000% damage bonus is pretty outdated these days and, with loads of new complementary item options over the years, it gets even less attractive. This effect in conjunction with Solanium and the special Critical Hit Chance buff from HotA allowed the zBarb to produce countless Health Globes in order to generate Resource for the damage dealer.

    Diablo 3 lon barbarian build